An Uplifting Dose of Positivity, Healing Light & Transformational Energy

New Moment, New Energy is about healing past imbalances, living in the empowered now and moving forward to create your best future self!

Positive Living – Daily Moments of Stillness


There is so much information out there about the wonderful benefits of meditation. It is scientifically proven that meditation affects the body in the exact opposite way of stress, thereby restoring the body and mind to a calm state, helping the body to self-heal and repair, and prevent further damage due to the effects of stress.

Though meditation is often used for spiritual evolution and connection, the benefits of meditation of increased physical and mental relaxation are helpful to anyone!

Do you take some time each day to do some form of meditation?

Of course, when hearing the word, you might automatically conjure up a vision of a monk on a mountaintop immersed in a lengthy inward connection, or perhaps an “om-ming” mantra.

However, meditation does not have to be done in any special place and it does not have to be lengthy! Real benefits can happen with just short doses of personal stillness during the day.

Are you thinking that your day is just too busy to take a meditation break? Even short moments of removing yourself from the busy, hectic stream of everyday reality can be helpful in rejuvenating your mind and body and moving you into the flow of calmness.

The easiest way to experience a “stillness moment” is to just focus on your breathing. The only requirement is that you be seated and be attentive to your breath. Take a nice long, intentional cleansing breath — inhale through the nose and let the breath go all the way down to your belly and then exhale through the mouth. Let your exhale be slow and deliberate and take a bit longer than your inhale. Intend to breathe in peace, light and healing and exhale any stress or tension your are holding within. A few of these breaths can help decrease stress and anxiety by breaking the loop of shallow, anxious breathing.

By focusing on your breath, you are connecting with your own inner light and going within to re-energize your mindset. A few minutes of this can be surprisingly relaxing. Intend that your relaxation will continue, even after you plunge back into the momentum of your busy life.

Or simply take a moment (or moments) of stillness. This requires no particular focus, no mantra, no special breathing. Just close your eyes and “BE.” Brush difficult thoughts aside and be a quiet, clear, still slate — existing in the peaceful, non-judgmental space of mindfulness.

That is what is meant by BEING PRESENT.

It is likely that you will have a flood of thoughts trying to plow through your mind, but just let them go and bring your focus gently and quietly back to the present. Your challenges of yesterday have passed and you can’t change them now. Your TO DO list for tomorrow can be dealt with later. In this one moment, you are in the HERE and NOW.

Even if you only have one minute — use it to be present and peaceful. Perhaps you can find one minute 3-5 times a day — and even that may make a real difference in your stress quotient, as it may give immediate relief to an extremely challenging day or environment.

Another simple little positivity break is just to be in the moment, but breathe into an affirmation. Sit in stillness and hold a positive affirmation gently, but firmly in your mind. You can use one such as “All is well in my world” or “All is well in this now moment.” “I breathe into the present moment with peace.” “I tune in to my heart rhythm and I am peaceful.” This is a more specific way of being present and it brings in a wave of positivity to help dispel any stress.

These easy suggestions are doable, so do strive to work them into your life. Of course, if you are embracing and practicing a lengthier daily meditation practice, then you are already reaping the benefits of inner stillness, connection and peace.

Just be aware and open to using these simple ways to remain more connected to the flow of well-being — and to your inner guidance. It is so good for your mind, body and soul!


  • I make time each day to tune in to my inner harmonic rhythm.
  • I carve out moments to simply be in the place of stillness and peace.
  • I strive to practice mindfulness and being focused on the present moment.


  1. Joyce says:

    Sheryl, your generous emails are full of sanity and wellness. I look forward to them and thank you for your continued work towards a good life for us all. Introducing me to Healing Wiyh The a Masters has changed my life!

    • Sheryl Schlameuss Berger says:

      Joyce — thank you for your very kind words about my newsletters. I do what I can in positive service to others! And I am happy to hear you are enjoying and benefiting from HWTM series, as I have been enjoying these programs for many years. Wishing you love, light and blessings…