An Uplifting Dose of Positivity, Healing Light & Transformational Energy

New Moment, New Energy is about healing past imbalances, living in the empowered now and moving forward to create your best future self!

Self Empowerment – Take Full Responsibility for Your Life and Your Reactions


Isn’t it easy to blame other people for our own problems and challenges and for some of the turmoil in our lives? Isn’t it easy to say “He made me so angry” or “she really knows how to push my buttons.” Most people make these statements often — and how do feel when you make these type of verbalizations? Irate, irritated, powerless perhaps? Like a victim?

Do you personally choose to play the victim far too often? Or even once in awhile? Does it need to be said that this kind of attitude is certainly not healthy or productive for anyone?

When you can awaken to the knowing that you are a powerful creator and can write your life story in a more joyful, positive way, then you begin to shed your feelings of “victimhood.”

Yes, you CAN adapt the extremely potent concept that you are able to take full and 100% responsibility for your life. Scary notion maybe? For in addition to assuming the responsibility for your successes and your achievements, you are also responsible for your shortcomings, your stagnation and your outright failures.

However, if you CAN get in the flow of consistently doing the inner work of being the architect of your reality, then I totally believe your reality will improve dramatically. Your sense of being a competent individual will expand to bring increased personal satisfaction.

When you blame others for those tough situations and happenings, you are giving our power away and at your core, I know that is not anyone’s intent.

Yes, people can say unkind or downright spiteful things to us. They can be harsh critics. And some of these people may be very close to us. We can’t really control what they say, or how they say it, but we can ALWAYS control our reactions to them and how we perceive each unique situation.

We need to look at the heated happenings from a different, new perspective and learn not to play into the drama that others often delight in instigating. We can choose to remain in a calm, peaceful place and diffuse tumultuous interactions. We can turn the other cheek, so to speak, and even walk away. Or we can simply respond in a more serene, non-reactive way. Staying relatively zen and refusing to fuel the fire will result in a vastly different outcome than if we buy into the agitation and discord of the moment.

Remember, the bottom line is that nobody can make you anything without your permission.

The very knowing that you can adopt an outlook of remaining non-reactive can instantly add an element of feeling more in touch and in control of the business of being uniquely YOU.

One of the simplest ways to move quickly into the mindset of taking responsibility for your own life is to work on removing the phrases of “he makes me, she makes me and they make me” from your everyday vocabulary. The next time you find yourself uttering any of those sentiments, simply pause and reflect about the situation.

Decide on a new perspective then and there. Do a brief on-the-spot analysis and explore your emotions. Acknowledge your feelings of tension but remind yourself “I am responding with intense anger at this moment, but I can and will make the choice to tone it down.” Then perhaps diplomatically withdraw from the scenario, or face it using tactful, joyful and peaceful language. It is sometimes amazing how others will react and often calm down when we refuse to get carried away on the tide of difficult emotion.

It is worth the effort. Learning how to lessen stressful reactions will help move you further into the flow of well being and absolutely enhance your life…


  • I take complete responsibility for my life choices and that includes my actions and reactions.
  • I know that I am a powerful creator and can design my life to be a luscious, magnificent masterpiece!
  • Remaining in a peaceful, non-reactive mode during stressful times is healthy for me and for those with whom I interact.


  1. Pam Mross says:

    Dear Sheryl –

    This is exactly what I needed to read this morning. Thank you so much. As always, you know what to say when it is needed to be heard.


    • rose says:

      sheryl, there are no coinsidences in life and this article hit home for me. thank you for your great ledership … rose

      • Sheryl Schlameuss Berger says:

        Rose – thank you for your kind words and I’m glad this article resonated with you.

  2. Kim Tooze says:

    Thanks Sheryl,
    Your message is exactly what I needed to hear right now because I have been struggling with this very topic.
    Thanks for your wise words.

    • Sheryl Schlameuss Berger says:

      Kim – thank you for your kind words and I am glad that my message is particularly timely for you. Have a joyful and productive week!