An Uplifting Dose of Positivity, Healing Light & Transformational Energy

New Moment, New Energy is about healing past imbalances, living in the empowered now and moving forward to create your best future self!

Archive for Overcoming Challenges


Gratitude in the Time of Pandemic and Challenge

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Is it very difficult to embrace gratitude and appreciation during the time of extreme challenge? Sometimes if may feel nearly impossible to be in the flow of these uplifting, high-vibration feelings when we are surrounded by a bleak and tumultuous environment and climate of current events.

However, now, more than ever, it is essential and incredibly helpful and healing to do one’s best to move into the stream of appreciation — to search for and focus upon the blessings that truly are in your life.

The current state of affairs is still panic-mode for many in relation to the continuing COVID-19 situation. Some geographic locales are doing far better than others, but overall the news disseminates all kinds of severe scenarios and of course, that reality can be depressing.

One of the ways to personally cope is to tune out some of those tough messages and tune in to all things positive that surround you in your own personal life.  Even if you have to look very closely to discover what will infuse you with feel-good emotions.

Above all, be grateful for your family, whether they are live and in person near you or in your home — or on the phone or on Zoom. Acknowledge your beautiful familial bonds. Of course, if you are able to connect with them in person, that is a powerfully uplifting blessing to cherish!

Be grateful for the small things in your environment, anything that brings you peace and comfort. Be grateful for your pets, if you have any, as they provide unconditional love and acceptance. They can bring such heartfelt warmth to your psyche. Personally, I enjoy cuddling with my youngest cat, who started his life as an outdoor feral and who now has ironically become the most affectionate of my kitties is  His amazing purr brings me into feelings of serenity and calm and I am in appreciation for that.

Also on a personal note, after days and days of rain, the sun is finally peaking out today so I am in appreciation for those slivers of sunlight and I will go outside and check on y plants and garden. Being outside in nature is always uplifting even on a soggy day, and I am so grateful for the back yard that I have that provides much inner peace for me.

Being in appreciation for the food you have and enjoy is simple, but often overlooked — yet it can be very gratifying. Enjoy your meals in a more mindful and present fashion and be grateful for the bounty in your life.

When you focus on anything (small or large) with sincere appreciation, it brings that warm, lovely glow into your heart center — it lights you up with positivity and increased feelings of joy. Do not lose sight of that concept!

From this moment forward, strive to be in a mindful place of gratitude as much as possible. It will shift and raise your own vibration toward more optimism and happiness. And what all of us need right now is more joy…


  • I am grateful for every blessing in my life.
  • I choose to focus on uplifting aspects of my environment and I am joyful!
  • The love of family and friends fills me with heartfelt appreciation.
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Be a Light through Continued Turbulent Times

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The ongoing pandemic, as well as political turbulence, plus unrest resulting from horrible acts of inequality and injustice, has kept many people in a state of anxiety, concern and even fear.

Our world as we knew it, appeared to suddenly disintegrate before our eyes in March of this year. We began a period in our history that people have termed the “new normal”. Personally, I prefer to call it the “temporary normal.” I always embrace the idea of hope.

Some people have called this time “apocalyptic.” Others with greater insight and vision call it a time of “higher consciousness awakening and evolution.” I hope you are personally choosing to view it as the latter.

Some of the new protocols, such as many people working from home, may long remain after the pandemic has faded because it has been determined that it is often better for businesses and companies, as well as employees to work remotely. Practices such as mask-wearing will end, but not for awhile yet.

However, those severe effects such as extreme unemployment and financial woes are a major, difficult challenge and will take time for our nation (and perhaps the world) to rebuild.

COVID unfortunately is still with us, in some places more than others. We are learning to work around it as best as possible in order to lead lives that have a semblance of normalcy.

I recently made the Long Island Railroad trip in to Manhattan to see my daughter and family. It was such a sad, eye-opening revelation to see the once-vital hub of New York now very barren, with more homeless people and beggars on the streets — places that were once quite safe to walk. The hustle and bustle of the Times Square Theatre District is gone — no more Broadway shows at least until 2021. Restaurants are not allowed to serve inside, only outside. Tourism is currently non-existent and tourists comprised a substantial portion of the liveliness and livelihood in this particular area in all years past.

That joyful feeling of being at the exciting pulse of one of the greatest cities in the world is also non-existent at this moment in time. This city will need a long time to rebuild — probably many years. Yet I do believe it will figuratively rise from the ashes like the legendary Phoenix — at least I like to hold that vision!

Do you have hope? Are you able to hold on to positive, joyful visions of better times to come? It is so essential to keep in mind and heart feelings of coping, flexibility, appreciation for what you DO have, and anticipation of better days ahead. The human spirit is strong and has overcome so many hardships in times past. We need to stay in that place of inner peace and strength. For each of us, it is critical to remain in a sense of connection with others, even if it is not always a physical or up-close-and-personal type of connection.

We need to appreciate one another! And individually, one should embrace the blessings in your life. Do not lose sight of these — even the simple day to day aspects that are calming and comfortable. For me, I have been delighting in the simple pleasure of gardening — it brings me serenity and comfort in a pure, earthy way.

As more of the world can safely open up, it will become easier to achieve our connection with others. In the midst of all this unrest, we have to reawaken to the knowing of our sense of Oneness — at our core essence we are all the same (no matter skin color, cultural or religious variations or nationality), part of the grand scheme of soul and divine consciousness.

Look inside for that inner light that is you — that light that connects you to something far more powerful and expansive than the mundane aspects of life here on planet earth — something greater than the barrage of propaganda that comes across the airwaves and internet. YOU are a radiant, beautiful soul living in a magnificent, amazing physical body. Allow your own personal light to shine — and be a beacon of hope and compassion to others!


  • I create optimistic visions of the highest and best version of my future self.
  • I tap in to my inner strength to stay calm and grounded during times of challenge.
  • I shine my light of understanding and compassion to all people!
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Practice Presence During this Challenging Time

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Are you able to be present and focused on the NOW moment? Are you able to live in the space of mindfulness?

I have written much about this topic over the years, but find that at no time is it more essential than during this challenging time of lockdown and sheltering in place to practice this skill.

The COVID pandemic has incited fear, panic and anxiety in many people. Even those that are normally fairly peaceful and laid back are experiencing heightened disharmony and stress from turbulent times in these completely uncharted waters. Many are having a tough time navigating in a centered and serene way.

This is totally understandable — after all, we are facing a time unlike any other in our world view and life perspective. The last serious pandemic was the Spanish Flu in 1918, over a hundred years ago.

“Pandemic mentality” is a new and scary concept. The media plays upon people’s fears and strives for the most sensational news that they can possibly deliver, inciting feelings of panic and chaos.

So we need to personally do the opposite — strive to maintain a sense of fluid stability within our energetic selves and not succumb to that tide of fear mongering. Will we have moments of feeling deeply sad or disturbed — of course, that is our human nature, and what is happening is obviously heartbreaking and difficult. People are suffering and many people are dying, and that is a reality.

We need to go within, to connect with our Core Essence, our True Self and inner guidance to help keep us on the path of light and inner peace. And sometimes we need to turn off the media, the news, the TV and our other devices to go back to that place of balance.

Practicing presence is a fabulous way to cope with this unprecedented time, and by doing so, we are able to release some of the worry. Remember, worrying does nothing to change any outcome of past or future — it just creates sadness and disharmony within us and that can deplete our immune systems. And we all know that a strong, healthy immune system is so essential right now.

Allow yourself to begin to live more in the moment. Let go of the past as best you can, and do not speculate way too much into the future. Place your concentration on the activities and tasks of your current day.

The questions that everyone is asking of course, is “when will COVID end? When will the world re-open? When will life return to a place of even semi-normalcy?” Right now as I write this, nobody has any clear answers. But I do firmly believe it is important to trust and have faith that life WILL return to a semblance of normal flow, as businesses reopen and we begin to get out and about again.

Yet, do not spend too much time thinking about it and wondering about the time frame. Simply place your attention on where you are now, what you are doing and what you can do to help nurture and sustain yourself during the time you may feel “socially depleted.”

Being present helps you be more joyful overall.

When this lockdown first started, I would wake up each morning and would kind of hear that phrase, “another day in COVID world” in my head, which was not very positive. I have since quieted that negative voice and simply awake to each day imagining that it is no different from any pre-COVID world day. I have my lovely home, my husband, my family (even though they may be far away right now), my kitty cats. I have my Reiki practice to help me be present and tuned into that wellspring of strength and peace within me.

I am grateful for all I DO have, all the blessings that are in my life. I suggest you too, take pause and recognize your blessings, especially during these strange times. For if you look around, I am sure you will easily find those aspects of your life that are meaningful, pleasing and appreciation-inducing.

Focus on your breath and how precious that simple aspect of your physical being can be.

This bizarre time in our lives will pass. It may take weeks, months or perhaps a year or two, but we have to let go of wondering about that time frame and simply live our lives as best we can. Yes, take those practical measures to stay safe, as you must, but do not be afraid to LIVE and to feel. Nurture yourself. Be present, and you will stay strong and centered in this strange journey that we are all experiencing at this moment in time.


  • I stay centered and connected to the now moment.
  • Practicing presence allows me to feel more peaceful and optimistic.
  • I focus my attention on my current day, and I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.
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Inner Strength and Flexibility though Life Challenges

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Does life just sometimes seem like a long string/series of challenges, one arising after another? Just when you are confident you have things a bit settled and balanced, anticipating some smooth sailing, along come new hurdles to plunge you back into a period of turmoil!

Ah, welcome to this intense journey called LIFE. Rarely is everything oh-so-easy and flowing in beautiful peace and grace. So when you ARE keenly aware of such a serene period in your reality, of course seize the serenity and JOY of it.

I firmly believe that we have to accept the ebb and flow of our lives, that challenges and obstacles are simply an integral part of our human experience. It is our reaction to them, our basic mindset as to how we cope, that determines our true level of inner peace and personal emotional strength.

And I also believe, it is absolutely possible — and essential — that we be in the attitude of flexibility and openness, remaining tuned in to that place within that is our inner guidance system as well as inner light of tranquility.

Adopt a mindset of “All is well in my world” — even if the wind of challenge is blowing heavily. Affirm that “This is LIFE and I am strong and adaptable.”

Also remind yourself that “this too shall pass”.  And DO remember to always be happily, sharply aware of whatever is going RIGHT in your life, whatever blessings surround you, because they absolutely exist.

Take time to focus on these. Express your gratitude for these! Even if they are small — acknowledge them.

Just look around, observe, and see past the contrast of challenge. And you can and should train yourself to do this!

For you will be more optimistic overall, more tapped in to your own “power”, and able to navigate your own unique life in a savvy and peaceful way.


  • I stay in the mindset of flexibility, and know that I can cope with all challenges that arise along my life journey.
  • I tune in to that bright light of inner strength and guidance that exists within – my Core Essence.
  • I make time to focus on all the positive aspects of my unique reality — and that creates a feeling of JOY within!
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Patience and Perseverance During Trying Times

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A Personal Experience Story

Patience was never my greatest virtue. However, over the years of accumulated experience, I have learned how to wait, observe, be in the moment and adapt to the flow of life unfolding for me…

This mindset was put to the intense test lately, as I am in the process of relocating to a new home. It is in a neighboring town, but nearness does not guarantee easiness!

It took well over two years to find and obtain a suitable ranch style house that has a spacious area for my Reiki and meditation business and practice — a long journey of looking at properties both online and in person and making many bids that never went anywhere.

And now, finally, my husband and I are excited and looking forward to living in our new house.

However, there is much remodeling and renovation to do and this process has been incredibly SLOW. And although our first contractor was highly recommended, he attempted to take as much of our money as he could con us out of, since we trusted and believed in his plans and promises. He did little work. We were actually relieved to “fire” him and remove his negative vibrations from the new abode. Unfortunately, we hear this contractor story is sadly all too common.

So now we have a new contractor who is actually doing the work and making progress, though he has a very small team (and other commitments with other homeowners as well) so everything is still in progress. But he and his men show up and actually ACCOMPLISH much!

This has been a test of my own patience and I am grateful to have my Reiki practice and mindset to help see me through. However, it has been an stressful time in my life. I DO continue to hold the vision of what my new place (and Reiki space) will look and feel like when it is remodeled and clean and all the dust/spackle/smell of paint has dissipated. But that vision is currently just in my mind and heart.

I do feel many life lessons arising from this series of obstacles and challenges. When things are particularly tough, I always ask myself “What can I learn from this experience? What life lesson does this teach me? How does this make me stronger?”

One of my own particular lessons is to be conscious of that line between what is within my control and what is not. I am a planner and I like things to happen in a very balanced and harmonious way. However, some things are just beyond our control and we must cope with that and trust that all will happen in a way that is right for us.

Also, when there is resistance along our path, this is all part of our physical and emotional experience here on “Planet Earth.” We gain wisdom and strength from these times, as painful as these steps are in our journey. It is important to know that they are temporary and will pass in time…

Above all, I am supremely grateful to have found this new house and I do my best to remain in that space of appreciation! In time, I know it will be the vision (or close to it) of a lovely residence for my husband and myself (and our kitties.)

Always hold on to your own personal vision — keep it strong and clear in your mind and in your heart. Stay the course and persevere as you move along your path toward goals and plans. Trust that you WILL enjoy the fruits of your labor and your dreams!


  • I create clear, joyful visions of what I wish to achieve in my life.
  • I know that contrast and challenge ultimately infuse me with greater emotional strength.
  • I stay calm and focused in the NOW moment to accomplish the tasks at hand.
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Keeping Inner Peace in Turbulent Times

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We are living in a time of cosmic turbulence — of dramatic shift. Do feel it? Do you feel tuned in to periods of extreme unrest, uncertainty, personal turmoil?

I have felt this deep sense of upheaval, of things stirring and changing, and I believe it is part of the process of transformation, and ultimately of greater alignment with my soul purpose and mission.

Sometimes I feel my life is spinning almost out of control. But wait, you say, aren’t you Reiki trained? Doesn’t that keep you peaceful inside despite all the challenges swirling around you?

It certainly helps, yet for during some time periods, it is “buckle your seatbelt — you are in for a wild ride!” And then I call tap into my Reiki training, striving to maintain some semblance of balance through this cosmic roller coaster experience.

Jack Canfield, a most well known motivational teacher and author, states that one of his most important “success principles” is to take 100% responsibility for your own life. In complete agreement, I attempt to draw in the reigns of this wild beast that is sometimes my reality. And I reiterate to myself “Take control of your life. You are powerful!”

And that strong head talk helps propel me in a more focused direction. However, I observe that in some moments my life feels like an unbridled, spirited and testy equine with an active mind of its own.

And I learn over and over again that not everything IS in my control as much as I strive to take responsibility of the human voyage I am on.

Sometimes I need to remind myself to acknowledge a Higher Power. To let go of my white knuckled grasp on those reigns and let the peacefulness of my soul and the Divine just flow within me.

I consciously allow myself to release resistance… to surrender to the powers that be!

To assist my understanding and compliance with this cosmic state of change, it has become very clear to me about the necessity of remaining present. This is an important survival tool that can serve all of us well on many levels.

To navigate choppy waters, focus on the next little piece of the voyage. Place attention on the NOW moment. When I consistently remind myself of this, it helps bring an immediate sense of relief and serenity into my heart and mind.

Do that inner work to live powerfully in the PRESENT. Know that not everything is in your own control. Yet, DO take responsibility for those things that you can affect and influence. And always be of authentic heart and come from a place of COMPASSION.


  • I know that at times I need to surrender to the flow of Divine timing — and trust that everything will work out for my Highest Good.
  • I embrace the concept of mindfulness — being present — to help me remain in the space of inner peace.
  • I take responsibility for my actions, and I strive to be in compassionate interconnectedness with others.
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Even When they Are Family


A Personal Experience Story

We forged a close bond in an unusual way. It was those long car commutes to and from my corporate job many years ago — I on my cell phone and she on her home phone 1000 miles away in southern Florida. We shared thoughts and experiences, and chatted about family — and we laughed together, my mother-in-law and me.

Because we lived so far apart, these caring and joyful conversations kept me company on those tedious (and sometimes stressful) trips in rush hour traffic. And it was the only way I got to know her in a more personal way after my husband and I were married and blended out families together.

Then the years passed — many years — and we all grew older. My MIL (mother-in-law) is now elderly, infirm, disabled. She is legally blind, hearing impaired and mobility impaired. Certainly many challenges.  She reluctantly agreed to give up whatever little independence she had down in Florida and move up to an assisted living nearby to my home, so that my husband and I could help care for her.

Right before she moved here, we prepared for her arrival very diligently and happily — furnished her bright, lovely suite and made it as welcoming as possible. We believed that being near to family — particularly the great grandchildren — would be uplifting to her.  We were looking forward to having a close relationship with her. We had no idea what the reality would be — and now it is 14 months later and the “honeymoon” is certainly over!

The actuality of her negative, stubborn personality has been incredibly difficult for us. As joyful, as positive as we have both attempted to treat her — there is absolutely no joyful response and no appreciation. She is solely self-involved, with extreme focus on each disability and each pain she feels.

The constant barrage of negative energy has shaken me to the core. However, I always consistently remind myself that yes, I do love her, despite these challenges.  And every once in awhile, on a special outing or maybe when the inspired mood catches her, she might light up a bit and almost seem to have a glimmer of happiness in her countenance.  I wish that would be more of the norm!

Though there are aides and skilled nurses at her facility, some real care still falls to me, as well as to her son. One of my responsibilities include taking her to her doctors appointments.  In Florida, the business of “doctoring” is out of control with all the seniors, and when she was there, accompanied by her aid, she would visit doctors sometimes three times per week. That became the flow of her life and it was a comfort zone to her. Trying to replicate that absurd lifestyle cannot and will not happen here, much to her dismay. (Yes, she somehow enjoyed the doctors visits because it made her the center of attention.)

On the up side, MIL has finally become involved in some of the activities at her facility so that provides some minor busy-ness and interaction for her. And for that I am grateful.

However, the new challenge is that it appears she is at the beginning of some dementia, so on top of that challenging personality, we now have some mental decline to deal with. We cannot believe anything she tells us anymore, even though she states all things as if they are absolute reality.

My husband has waning patience — he works full time in the city and has limited time and energy to spend with her — and with her attitude in general, it is not conducive to encouraging him to want to spend time with her.  It is a sad situation for both him and me.

My resolve as we entered this current year was to step back from the judgmental, self-centered world in which my MIL lives.  Sure, I always cover my responsibilities and I provide care. Emotionally, I am remaining more aloof — for it is too easy to be overwhelmed with her constant drama.

So what is the lesson in all this?  Why do I share this? Yes, I will admit it is in part to vent, partly cathartic. Perhaps you, too, have dealt with something (or someone) similar — or perhaps you will someday down the line. And maybe you will say, “ah, yes, I totally understand.”

Is this a clear illustration of “the best laid plans, etc.”? Sometimes as much as we do set goals, as we do make every positive attempt to help someone, they are not receptive to us. We might think our joyful intentions, our heartfelt drive is so powerful — how can someone not get caught up in the wave of our optimism?  Believe me, there are obviously those that ARE unresponsive, those who make the personal choice to wallow in negativity, turbulence and victimhood. That is truly a depressing life choice.

We all have a choice about how we react to life — the sad thing is that many do not realize this. They remain unawakened.

And another lesson in all this is that powerful reminder that you can’t change anyone else. The only one you can change is yourself. That lesson keeps hitting home… But with my MIL, I was not trying to change her — just encourage her to be a bit more in the flow of peace and adaptability.

That is definitely my sincere wish for my MIL — peacefulness and acceptance of what is.  Also, when it is her time (and I believe this is still far into the future), I truly pray that it will be quick and painless, and maybe she will just pass gently one overnight when her soul is ready to begin the next leg of her spiritual journey.  As for now, we will continue to give her love as best as possible.



  • I strive to remain patient and non-reactive with challenging people and situations.
  • I let kindness and compassion flow to others, with positive intention and a pure heart.
  • When challenging people and drama arise, I make sure to take care of myself in a nurturing, caring way — and remain peaceful within!
A Personal Experience Story

Life is certainly never static — it is a living, breathing ebb and flow of change, shift and transformation.  When we talk about achieving stability and balance, it is but for a temporary moment in time. And though it is a worthy goal to aspire to create some form of balanced harmony in our lives, it is critical to accept that change will always be part of our reality.

Yet the thought of change is daunting for most people, and change can present itself as a huge challenge.  Cultivating flexibility and adaptability — traits that will help you stay in that flow of coping and being open to new possibilities — is worth the inner work!

From my own personal experience of the last month or so, I have definitely had to deal with that specter of change.  My elderly mother-in-law (an octogenarian who was widowed 20 years ago) had two accidental falls too many in a short span of time and finally agreed to move up from her condo in Florida to an assisted living facility local to where I live in Long Island.

She was used to living an “independent” life or so she perceived it. But legally blind, hard of hearing, dependent upon a walker for mobility, her life there — away from all family — appeared more “isolationist” to my husband and myself. She had a home health aid to assist her during the day, and even drive her to wherever she needed or wanted to go.  But each health issue that presented became an ordeal, simply because there was no family around and concern for some serious issue without the support and caring of family was on our minds.

My mother-in-law is very quick to speak her mind and is not a particularly positive-minded person. The sudden availability of an apartment at the assisted living during the freezing heart of winter created a whirlwind of activity and stress in order to get her packed up. Figuring out what she could bring with her and getting rid of the rest of her stuff (some of it lifelong accumulation) was really tough for her, as it would be for anyone in her position. (Please know that she had much physical help in the form of my brother-in-law and his wife.)

Personally, I was anticipating a huge challenge and indulging in too much fear-based anxiety, yet secretly praying/hoping that perhaps she would acclimate… She is not a person who has ever done well with change. And yes, I believe in the Law of Attraction and focusing on positive aspects.  However, the practical side of me, based on previous experience with the lady, brought up challenging thoughts.

And even though the facility has an amazing and caring staff, ultimately I knew that I would be the one most responsible for her day-to-day life and needs, especially since my husband works in the city and is gone for very long days. So the bottom line was, how would this impact my own life?  Yes, I love her and DO have an excellent relationship with her — but this move is a significant change in my life — a life that is already very full without another facet (even a loving one) added to it.

It was about four weeks of anticipation for both her and us — and at the other end in Florida, she was extremely stressed by this whole packing up and preparing-to-move process, and leaving the comfort and knowingness of her home.  Additionally, she was unhappy about coming from the mild climate to this freezing Long Island winter — who could blame her for that?

So now you may wonder — how did it all go?

Well, she has been here for a month and I feel a sense of relief from all that fear-based expectation. Incredibly, she has adapted quite smoothly — a surprising and delightful shock to me and my husband.

Despite many obstacles, she has been fine. The first week she arrived, there was a quarantine lockdown because several cases of flu broke out — fortunately not her, but for several days, nobody from the outside was allowed in. I could not get in and start to bring her all the winter clothes that were shipped via UPS and had been delivered to my house. So her stuff was in limbo and we could not even visit her and she had very few clothes.  Eventually, all the boxes were delivered, brought over, unpacked and her little apartment is all set up now.

She seems happier than I have ever seen her. And I totally believe it really has to do with two things — first of all, the love and nearness of family. She will now be able to watch her great-grandson grow up and establish a relationship with him, which she is already doing. Secondly, she is receiving a very helpful level of care and attention from the facility and included are three hot meals a day that she loves.

So there have been enough positive things to override that she is mostly stuck in the facility due to the outdoor weather being too snowy, icy, frigid and treacherous for her to navigate with her walker.  But she has two heating controls in her apartment and can make it as hot and Florida-like as she wishes!

From my perspective, this journey has been made a bit easier because I have truly focused on being in the moment as best as possible. When my mind would sort of “run away” with trying thoughts about what would be, I would remind myself to be truly present, and simply take the actions of the the moment that were necessary to move the journey along. And part of me just needed to “surrender” and accept that this change coming into my own life would be a positive and joyful one. I would have the opportunity to establish a close relationship with my mother-in-law, especially since my own mother is gone for many years and I am open to having a surrogate “mom” in my life, even though I will be taking more care of her than she of me!

The one life lesson that was clear and powerful for me was that: LOVE really does overcome. I firmly believe that the attention and love that my mother-in-law is receiving from nearby family (us and others) has been instrumental in her accepting and dealing with this major life change. And yes, we are all still adjusting to her being here and working on defining our relationships in a way that is pleasing and workable for all.  Another, very beautiful thing, is that my mother-in-law, not usually very expressive of emotions, has been happily voicing her appreciation for all that my husband and I are doing to help her — so that is a truly kind side of her that I am seeing.

All is well and I am adjusting to this change in my own life, and there is now a feeling of ease and grace to it… and for that I am grateful!


  • I accept shift and change with a mindset of ease and adaptability.
  • Life is a flow of ongoing changes, and I welcome new possibilities with joyful anticipation.
  • I strive to stay in the moment and to be present exactly where I am on my unique life journey.

We are an “in-touch”, communicative, technology savvy society — or so it would appear on the surface… However, despite all that ease of connection, we still have issues with kindly keeping in touch with those who are in our surrounding circle of family and friends, particularly when they are experiencing times of challenge.

Remember that old telephone advertising slogan “Reach out and touch someone”?? It should be so much easier to subscribe to that belief today — and yet…

I am sharing my own personal observations of “connectivity” in this fast-paced, modern world — so know this is my personal perspective. [Please leave a comment in the comments section and let me know what your own thoughts are.] But are people in general all so wrapped up in their own ego-centric little worlds that they can barely communicate within their immediate circle? That we cannot perceive other people’s pain because we just don’t feel or understand that connection to them?

That we simply refuse to find or make the time for a kind word whether it be in the form of a text, an email or a quick phone call call or even an old fashioned card or note in the real mail?

Of course, there are those who have a deep and profound level of compassion who reach out to anyone in need and that is a beautiful thing. I highly commend this altruistic attitude. But I truly believe they are in the minority, not the majority.

I embrace the concept that there is simply no excuse NOT to keep in touch or reach out, especially when someone close to you is truly hurting or would be helped by hearing from you…

So here are my own thoughts and suggestions for being there for others:

• Awareness and acknowledgment in general. Stay tuned in to the vibrations of others close to you. Know what is going on with others — keep updated. Do not hibernate in your own little shell.
• Be proactive in reaching out. If others are hurting, take the initiative to contact them! Someone who is hurting may not have the motivation to call you or text you so it is up to you to make the move toward connecting with them.
• Remain non judgmental. Respect a person’s feelings whether or not you agree or disagree with they way they are handling a situation.
• Let the person express or vent.  This is a beautiful skill to embrace. Simply lend a sympathetic ear.
• Remain non reactive to things that might not resonate with you — just be respectful.
• Do not offer much advice, unless invited to do so. Most people just need to share their feelings and thoughts and may be resistant to being told what to do if they are going through a difficult time.
Fake it even if you don’t feel a profound compassion. Your willingness to just listen and be there will be deeply appreciated by the other person. This sense of reaching out will greatly enhance the bond/relationship with this other individual

Keep in mind that a communication does not have to be a lengthy phone call (as your time and personal patience level may not always be up to that) but even a quick text message or email saying “I know what a tough time you are going through. Just know you are in my thoughts” will go a long way to soothe someone. For you it might take only a minute out of your busy schedule but for the recipient it might have major impact in helping give them a touch of comfort.


  • I take steps to reach out to others with compassion and understanding
  • I respect others’ feelings and emotions and strive to listen without judgment.
  • Even though I may not totally comprehend another’s personal experience, I still freely offer my support along their journey.

How well do you bend and flow with the storms and challenges of life? What about with the more gentler shifts and changes in daily realities — can you cope?

Flexibility is one of the key components to living a balanced, joyful and healthy life. Each individual is unique with the way that one adapts to the consistent flow of changes that are a part of the life experience here on planet Earth. Nobody’s reality is truly static. It is when one grasps on blindly to the “what is” — remaining caught in rigidity that brings one into the mindset of resistance. And we all know that resistance is a powerfully negative attitude that can disrupt the flow of well-being in a big way… Resistance takes us immediately out of that high-vibration, feel-good place.

Yet human nature seems to be prone to resistance. For we tend to be creatures of habit — even if those habits are not always the best for us. We seem to crave the comfort of sameness and routine.

For many, change is rarely perceived in a positive light.

Maintaining flexibility takes many forms. For our challenges take a multitude of forms. For instance, as I write this, I know that I am on call for Jury Duty this week. Of course, that is my civic duty and I am legally bound to attend when I am called. I am on standby and will call in each evening. I may get summoned to spend a day or more in court — or I may not. This is beyond my control. Do I want to be a juror — definitely not! This temporary state of “not-knowingness” is wreaking havoc with my week. I cannot schedule clients. I can’t make business plans. My car is having some issues and needs repair and it is difficult for me to schedule this as well. My elderly dog cannot be left alone for too many hours at a a time so I have to arrange care for him. You get the picture. And the thought of potentially getting stuck on a jury for a trial is very unnerving because of all these aforementioned considerations.

So have I felt some stress — more than I care to admit. But I have known about this obligation for some time and have even had a chance to emotionally prepare. Yet the bottom line emotion is resistance. So I am working on trying to regain a more flexible perspective — and I am feeling the inspiration to write this article because it is my own inner work therapy, so to speak. It is a reminder to flow with the current.

We need to adapt to not just changes in our lives, but also changes in those around us. A friend of mine has recently become a complete support system for her elderly mom who has experienced a series of serious health challenges in the last few months. My friend has had a very difficult time coming to terms with the aging of her parent because for such a long time her mom has been in such amazing and wonderful shape. So by her own admission, this lady just wants her mother to be the totally healthy and independent individual she was, and is resistant to adjusting to the way her mother is now at this point in time. But little by little, she is coming to terms with the situation, and appreciating the good in each day and the beauty of still having her loving mom around, even though she requires more care and supervision.

Some people honestly admit to being inflexible by nature and don’t see the need to be any other way. But of course, when challenges arise, they are the ones who become severely stressed out and overwhelmed and whose own physical/emotional health may become weakened because of this.

I always go back to that wise analogy of the old tall tree in the forest that bends and sways when the heavy winds and storms blow — but it survives to grow. We need to remain bendable. We must adjust our course periodically and change direction to stay afloat, on target — healthy, whole and in harmony with life. Adaptability helps us navigate and persevere.

So keep that in mind. Whether it is something as mundane as jury duty or as significant as a job change, loss — or an illness, setback, etc. let yourself be that bendable tree. Know that your roots can be strong and sturdy and “this too shall pass.”


  • I strive to make adaptability an intrinsic part of my path toward self empowerment and joy.
  • A mindset of flexibility helps me deal effectively with all that happens in my everyday reality.
  • I flow with the current of life and tune in to my inner guidance for clarity and perseverance.