An Uplifting Dose of Positivity, Healing Light & Transformational Energy

New Moment, New Energy is about healing past imbalances, living in the empowered now and moving forward to create your best future self!

Archive for Positive Thinking

“Through gratitude we express one of our most powerful emotions and open the flow of positive energy.”  ~Joe Nunziata

Gratitude IS powerful.  It is said that being in the space of appreciation can change our lives in an uplifting and transformative way.  When we are thankful for all the joy and abundance in our reality, that feeling is amplified,  attracting more happiness and prosperity to flow in…  because the Universe responds with matching our vibration and bringing in more of the same…

It is easier for some people to adopt a mindset of gratitude and for others it takes more inner work to be able to look around, appraise your reality and count ones blessings, so to speak…

For me personally, I am training myself to spend more time in the place of appreciation… it does not come naturally.

One can keep a gratitude journal for the express purpose of regularly noting down what you are thankful for and make entries in this on a daily basis.

I recently participated in an online Social Media version of that idea — the 5-day gratitude challenge on Facebook. The goal was to write three things each day (over a span of five days) for which I am thankful. And I don’t know why this was more of a challenge… but I think it is because, for the sake of social media, I was reaching for major points of appreciation instead of just focusing on those little things in life that are simple, yet very beautiful.

Such as the wonderful, peaceful energy that fills my my Healing room.   Or a sweet toddler hug from my young grandson… Or the amazingly succulent flavor of a locally grown red, ripe tomato… Or the warmth of the sunlight that streams through the large window of my living room…

Doing the inner work of gratitude has helped me heal from the grief I went through upon the passing of my beloved canine companion. Whenever I would be consumed with sadness, I would shift the thought and emotion process to thoughts like: I am grateful for all the sweet love and devotion he gave me for nearly 14 years… I am appreciative that he actually lived such a long, full and happy life… These thoughts have helped uplift my heavy heart.  Now, as time passes, I bask in the space of gratitude for the wonderful bond we shared and I experience less grief over loss and more joy in the memories…

It has been shown that people who regularly lead lives filled with gratitude are generally more optimistic and experience an increased level of prosperity in their lives. So doesn’t it make sense to move into that space of authentic appreciation?

So what are you personally thankful for? Take a moment to give that some thought. Take a moment to just be in that lovely place of gratitude. Take a few minutes to do this everyday!

Working with relevant affirmations can help you. I have collected ten of the high-vibration positive affirmations that I have written and used over the last several years so feel free to recite them, integrate them into your own mindset, and enjoy the flow of uplifting energy they can fuel within your heart…

  • I gratefully accept all the wealth and happiness that the Universe provides for me every day.
  • I am thankful for all the love in my life.
  • With loving gratitude, I notice all of the beauty and grace that that surrounds me.
  • It is easy for me to feel and express appreciation for others.
  • I focus on all the positive things in my life, empowering them to grow and multiply!
  • I gratefully accept happiness and prosperity from a supportive, abundant Universe.
  • Expressing gratitude is easy and fulfilling for me.
  • The more appreciation I feel and acknowledge, the more joy and abundance flow into my life!
  • My life is exciting, unique and filled with feel-good experiences!
  • I give thanks for all the amazing blessings that fill my life.

Worry, worry, worry… Why do we give so much attention to this negative pastime?

Why do we take such great pains to inflict this preoccupation upon ourselves? I believe that it is just one of the basic emotions in our human experience here on planet Earth — we tend to be worriers. And if our parents worry a great deal, they pass along that teaching to us.

One of the foundation concepts of Reiki is learning and living the precepts, which are principles to help us live more balanced, joyful lives. One of these principles is “For today only do not worry.” Which urges us to release the stress of worrying in the now moment. And no, it does not mean that it is okay to worry tomorrow either. And you don’t have to be Reiki-trained to embrace this concept.

The statement just asks us to focus on being present — in a physical, emotional and spiritual way — and give our attention solely to the the moment as we are on our quest for emotional peacefulness.

Worry is a most wasteful human practice, but it takes inner work to lessen our focus on it and be in a more confident place of serenity.

[However, we can acknowledge that even for a very “positive” person, sometimes the present moment does not seem so filled with blessings, but might feel downright challenging or painful. If that is your reality and you are in a truly “dark” space at this place in time, then you still should be present and move through the moment. Have compassion and understanding for yourself without becoming a victim to a prolonged negative mindset. Be in the moment gently and know that moment will pass. Be open to all healing and possibilities that can flow in.]

When we dissect the concept of worry, what do we find? Worrying about things that have already happened will not change them. Of course, worrying about the past often walks hand in hand with the concept of regret. Most everyone has a heavy baggage of regret about different aspects of our past. But we need to let it go, a step at a time and as best as possible. Being consumed by regret is detrimental to our well being.

And worrying about the past leaves us so unproductive in the present.

Worrying about the future may leave our thoughts fragmented and distracted from enjoying our present moment. However, the future is something that we can move into with greater ease, if we choose to look at the road that lies before us as one of positive opportunity. From a practical aspect, yes, formulate plans and goals to achieve what you wish to manifest and experience. But do not worry yourself into the future!

So begin to unravel that stressful thought pattern of worry. The very first step is to become aware of it. I was born into a family of worriers. Even my childhood experience was one modeled on a great deal of worrying.

It took intense shifting and coming into the holistic healing field to really awaken to the significant understanding that worry does not help anything! And worrying can’t change anything. The only thing worry can do is leave us stressed, upset, depressed and the like.

It takes strong concentrated work to let go of the habit of worrying and to pay more mindful attention to the NOW moment.

Of course, it is nearly impossible to stop worrying 100%. But if you reduce your worry time, you will be happier for it and more tranquil in general.

So do make the effort. Affirmation thinking can be very helpful for this inner work. And in your heart, be that illuminated child of the Universe, tap in to the Divine spark within and appreciate the gift we call LIFE…


  • I focus on the now movement, knowing that all is well in my life.
  • I give my attention to positive aspects of my reality and take time to feel all the blessings that surround me.
  • My well-being is influenced by my thoughts — so I choose joyful, peaceful ones!
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We are an “in-touch”, communicative, technology savvy society — or so it would appear on the surface… However, despite all that ease of connection, we still have issues with kindly keeping in touch with those who are in our surrounding circle of family and friends, particularly when they are experiencing times of challenge.

Remember that old telephone advertising slogan “Reach out and touch someone”?? It should be so much easier to subscribe to that belief today — and yet…

I am sharing my own personal observations of “connectivity” in this fast-paced, modern world — so know this is my personal perspective. [Please leave a comment in the comments section and let me know what your own thoughts are.] But are people in general all so wrapped up in their own ego-centric little worlds that they can barely communicate within their immediate circle? That we cannot perceive other people’s pain because we just don’t feel or understand that connection to them?

That we simply refuse to find or make the time for a kind word whether it be in the form of a text, an email or a quick phone call call or even an old fashioned card or note in the real mail?

Of course, there are those who have a deep and profound level of compassion who reach out to anyone in need and that is a beautiful thing. I highly commend this altruistic attitude. But I truly believe they are in the minority, not the majority.

I embrace the concept that there is simply no excuse NOT to keep in touch or reach out, especially when someone close to you is truly hurting or would be helped by hearing from you…

So here are my own thoughts and suggestions for being there for others:

• Awareness and acknowledgment in general. Stay tuned in to the vibrations of others close to you. Know what is going on with others — keep updated. Do not hibernate in your own little shell.
• Be proactive in reaching out. If others are hurting, take the initiative to contact them! Someone who is hurting may not have the motivation to call you or text you so it is up to you to make the move toward connecting with them.
• Remain non judgmental. Respect a person’s feelings whether or not you agree or disagree with they way they are handling a situation.
• Let the person express or vent.  This is a beautiful skill to embrace. Simply lend a sympathetic ear.
• Remain non reactive to things that might not resonate with you — just be respectful.
• Do not offer much advice, unless invited to do so. Most people just need to share their feelings and thoughts and may be resistant to being told what to do if they are going through a difficult time.
Fake it even if you don’t feel a profound compassion. Your willingness to just listen and be there will be deeply appreciated by the other person. This sense of reaching out will greatly enhance the bond/relationship with this other individual

Keep in mind that a communication does not have to be a lengthy phone call (as your time and personal patience level may not always be up to that) but even a quick text message or email saying “I know what a tough time you are going through. Just know you are in my thoughts” will go a long way to soothe someone. For you it might take only a minute out of your busy schedule but for the recipient it might have major impact in helping give them a touch of comfort.


  • I take steps to reach out to others with compassion and understanding
  • I respect others’ feelings and emotions and strive to listen without judgment.
  • Even though I may not totally comprehend another’s personal experience, I still freely offer my support along their journey.

“It is not from where you come, but where you are now in joy, and where you are headed with enlightenment.” ~Sheryl Schlameuss Berger

This quote helps me live my authentic truth and helps keep me aligned with my soul path.  I understand how it feels to be so intertwined with negative thought patterns, but I also know how it feels to emerge from that cocoon of negativity and spread my newfound, colorful wings in the sunlight… delighting in the freedom of flight, away from that which previously held me constricted in an unhappy holding pattern…

I have many clients who come to me for healing sessions who express that they bear the burdens of being trapped in cycles of negative thoughts and emotions.

I hear many people state that they are “stuck.” I do not always understand or particularly like that metaphor. However, I take it to mean one is mired in the quicksand of negative thinking and can’t seem to escape.  People say things like: “My life is so difficult.” “I can’t seem to get away from problems and challenges.”

Sometimes my clients expect the Reiki energy to be a quick fix for all that ails them emotionally. I do let them know that Reiki can help bring them into a healing space of more joyful thought patterns, but that they MUST also do the inner work of making that change on their own. And it does take work!

For me, an outside objective observer, it is more obvious that everyone has the ability to decide to get unstuck — and to stop replaying the old “tapes” in your mind.

Get a grasp on the concept that YOU can choose your thoughts — isn’t that amazing? Doesn’t that make you incredibly powerful? I try to convey the profound meaning of this concept to others, but learning and understanding this is usually a process that takes time.  Though I would love to see the figurative light bulb go on in their minds with their face lighting up in an “Ah-ha” moment!

We often grow up in an environment that fosters negativity. I grew up in the perspective of a house filled with it. It is the way my parents grew up and that style of parenting is what they knew.  So of course, what did I learn — absolutely how to be a vessel of downtrodden, debilitating thought patterns…  I like to think that today’s parents are generally more enlightened and know the significance of bringing their children up in as joyful a household as possible.

So decide that it is time to write your own personal life story in a more positive, uplifting way. Say to yourself, “Today I will consciously focus on more joyful aspects of my reality.”

As an easy starting point, tune in to those little things that give you pleasure — your child’s smile, the unconditional love of your pet, the brightness and warmth of the morning sunlight, the scent of the flora that blooms in your garden — or your neighbor’s garden. Be in that space of joy and APPRECIATION as well. Yes, you can train yourself to do this.

When difficult thoughts start to rear their ugly heads, become aware and begin to shift them over to something positive in your immediate environment — or a beautiful, uplifting memory that gives you a sense of comfort and peacefulness.

Speak about your life in the confident, optimistic way that you want it to unfold… and then watch for little miracles that flow your way…


  • Today I begin to shift my life toward more positive thought patterns!
  • I do the inner work of embracing more optimism in my life.
  • I create my reality in a joyful, uplifting way by cultivating an attitude of gratitude.


Unless you have been living in a cave the last ten years, you are familiar with the “hottest” new concept for positive and joyful living: affirmations. Everywhere you turn, there are teachings about the amazing power of affirmations.

I have written about them quite a bit over time. If you have read any of my monthly blog posts, you will know that each includes a trio of relevant affirmations. I do love affirmations and the immense and uplifting potential they offer us.

Let’s say you are newer to the concept of positive affirmations, or perhaps need a little review. Affirmations are statements we make to ourselves — part of our everyday head talk. They are in a sense, the cornerstone of our thinking mode, of our state of mind.

Because in reality, many (or even most) of the statements we make in our heads are of a negative vibration. Such as “That will never work out.” Or “I am such a mess.” Or “my life is out of control.” You get the picture — and admit it now, you are guilty too — guilty of allowing a barrage of negative thoughts to inhabit your mind and your thought processes. We all do it.

The key to really shifting is to recognize that, own up to it, and then begin to do the inner work of tuning in to more positivity. Good-feeling affirmations are one simple way to help with this.

You may know or have guessed that I have been greatly influenced by Louise Hay, who I consider the “Grande Dame” of positive affirmations. She has brought this concept to light for so many people and has definitely been a pioneer in the positive thinking/personal development field.

When we are totally living in the mode of negative affirmations, we are sad and depressed. And should these negative thoughts and stresses become lodged in both our conscious and subconscious mind, we run the risk developing corresponding symptoms of both physical and emotional illness. So thinking more optimistically, embracing affirmations and the like has been shown to help one align with the flow of well being. Think happy, be happy — be WELL!

Affirmations can be short and general or long and very specific. There is no rule. However, to begin an affirmation practice, it is essential to choose ones that resonate with you personally. For you to make an affirmation your own, you need to feel into it, to be able to believe it and to be able to say it with general conviction.

So an affirmation like “I will receive a million dollars today” is a fun and interesting statement but unless you are a wealthy stock market trader and are expecting the sale of a high level holdings, or unless a great-aunt that you never knew existed left you a sizable inheritance, this statement may not feel too believable to you.

Statements such as “I welcome abundance into my life,” “Money flows easily and joyfully to me,” or “I always manifest all that I need” are more generic, open and certainly have a feel-good vibration! You can also say things like “Abundance and prosperity come to me each day, often in surprising and delightful ways!” Or you can use a specific focus for your day such as “Today I am open to gracefully receive abundance and joy from a supportive Universe.”

Affirmations can be used for way more than just financial abundance, and certainly for all aspects of ones life including relationships, love, career, etc. You can use one — or a few — affirmations that feel right to you or reflect what you wish to shift in your reality or invite into your life. But you need to say them regularly.

Say them as if you mean them! Get in the bright energy of your affirmation! Make it a point to live in your highest and best “affirmation state of mind.” I am convinced that this can absolutely bring joyful transformation into your life…


Friendship – the Varied Bonds that People Share

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Friends are our lifeline, our most ardent supporters, our reinforcement in the belief that we matter. Friends add meaning to our life, joy to our reality, laughter and camaraderie to our world.

Yet how come at times the bonds of friendship can seem overly complex, dramatic or sometimes even disappointing?

Are our expectations about the meaning and bond of friendship too high? Personally, I think that yes, we want each friendship to be absolutely perfect, to meet all our needs. Yet, how can each bond of friendship measure up to such lofty ideals? When we demand perfection, we set ourselves up for failure.

In my own life experience, I have learned (and am still learning) to release some of those preconceived expectations regarding what I want/need in a friend.

The basic requirement is now very simple: if you wish to be my friend, be supportive of me, and my life path.

That’s all there is to it.

However, one needs to accept the knowing that there will be friends who completely support our life paths — and those who may not be so overtly encouraging, but love us nevertheless and allow us to follow our journey without judging.

But this also includes the notion that you must not be a “fair weather friend.” If times get tough, I expect you to be there for me in whatever way you are capable — and that is certainly different things for different people.

I used to have some clear friendship requirements, such as a friend must call me so often (every day/every week) or they wouldn’t measure up to my standards of communication frequency.

I now am accepting of friends who call me regularly and friends who contact me occasionally. As long is there is some joyful connection every once in awhile, I am okay with that. However, when I have called a few times and get no callback — that is a clear indicator of a lag or disinterest in the friendship on the part of the other person.

I used to believe that a friend needed to share the very same interests as me — but I have discovered that this is not always a necessity. Though it IS helpful in terms of understanding each other.

Friends come in a very expansive variety with a multitude of perspectives and world views. And I have found that I now tend to think of friends as being in a range of categories.

For instance, there are:

• Common interest, like-minded friends — For me these may be my spiritual, Reiki and healing Practitioner friends. For others it may be friends who share the same type of work, similar hobbies, etc. You may meet these people while doing the activities you enjoy or the work-related tasks that comprise your life.

• Lifestyle friends — These are people whose presence in your reality enhances or complements your life in some way. These are people with whom you feel joyful and comfortable. People who are going-out-to-dinner friends, friends you take ski vacations with, ones who you share a specific segment of life with, but perhaps no deeper connection than that. Yet these friendships can be very enlivening, uplifting and sustaining.

• Long term friends – these are the friends that have been with us for much of our life journey, through ups and downs, highs and lows, marriages and divorces, births and deaths. These are often our core friends, ones who will lend a sympathetic ear (or shoulder.) Friends with whom we can pretty much share anything with authenticity. These friends truly KNOW us, what we are about, and have persevered through all life’s uphill battles by our side. As of course we have reciprocated that same sentiment of dedication to them.

• Acquaintances — this category encompasses a multitude of interesting individuals who grace our lives, some nearby to us and some in other geographic areas. This category can include some of our Facebook friends, those who LIKE our joyful posts and photos as we enjoy visiting their pages and participating in their life on the net. This category also encompasses in-person individuals who are more on the periphery of our life. These cannot neatly fit into any of the above categories. They are not major players in our lives, but there is some connection they offer that clearly resonates with us.

We can gain insight, exhilaration, and optimism from our friends. They help teach us life lessons and they absolutely enrich our lives.

So let us offer them kindness, consideration, appreciation, and of course, our love and reciprocation of their devotion and connection to us. Our  journey here on planet Earth would be very lonely and solitary without our many bonds of friendship…


  • I appreciate my friends and verbally express my gratitude for their presence in my life.
  • I treat my friends with kindness and caring, the way that I would like them to treat me.
  • I respect the life journeys of my friends, and am supportive along their unique and diverse paths.
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The new year breezed in with a gust of polar vortex air — frigid temperatures that brought challenges of their own. Plus a slew of unexpected everyday life obstacles.

So despite ringing in the energy of the new year on on optimistic note, writing my positive living article, I was — and still am — enmeshed in turbulence.

It was confusing for me a bit. I could not quite understand where these hurdles were really emanating from.

But I also know that surrounding energies and thoughts affect our personal space. And all that occurs reflects not just my own personal “energetic flow” but that of those around me.

And most of what transpired seemed apparently external in nature, beyond my personal control. A blackout burned out my refrigerator, and due to the holiday season — plus one very bad retail experience — I had no fully functioning refrigerator for 10 days!

Then some pipes froze and we were without cold water in the kitchen. The dishwasher burned out around the same time. And my wonderful trusty heavy-duty all-in-one printer that had been a work horse for nearly six years, printing my Reiki business certificates, flyers, forms in beautiful color — went into death throes.

Okay, so I was in appliance and technology hell — and perhaps still am.

Then my indoor/outdoor semi-feral kitty disappeared for three full days and I spent two days searching the neighborhood, posting flyers and almost thinking the worst… when he suddenly reappeared late one evening. A bit disoriented and completely ravenous, but okay… so I think he may have accidentally been locked in someone’s shed or garage. But it was not a fun few days.

And on the heels of that, Long Island endured another polar vortex with single digit temperatures, gusting winds and a 24-hour snowstorm. So I was out in those icy temperatures shoveling for hours. (The snowblower broke last year and we have not replaced it.) Sometimes young men with shovels who want to earn some cash come by and dig us out, but not one showed up this time.

I am physically exhausted and mentally drained as I write this. But in my heart, I know that this too shall pass.

Is there something for me to learn from these three or four weeks of constant turmoil? To maybe look at the bright side, that proverbial “silver lining” — my Reiki business has been greatly expanding. Our health is fine — and that is something to be immensely grateful for.

Life throws curves and challenges at all of us — no one is exempt. It is a question of how we react, how we persevere and how adaptable and flexible we allow ourselves to be as we traverse the winding road.

It is essential not to let yourself sink from all the constant hurdles. And sometimes a string of relatively petty hurdles does begin to seem like an insurmountable mountain of challenge.

Keep your sights set on something uplifting, whatever you can envision. The other night a friend posted a video of a sunrise on a beautiful, serene and unpopulated beach. For five minutes I watched the sun rise gently and brilliantly in this video and was amazingly soothed by it.

Take small, sweet moments that feel good to you and expand them. Stay present when there is a task to be done and don’t go into the “woe is me” frame of mind for that does not serve anyone. Ultimately, it will not help you feel any better.

Know that life flows and shifts in a constant tide of ups and downs, but enjoy the times when the sailing is smooth — let yourself deeply bask in the gratitude for those moments. Know that you would not be able to appreciate those feel-good moments if you don’t occasionally experience the opposite.

In the grander perspective, take some comfort in the fascinating and multi-textured weave that makes up the fabric of your life…


  • I handle challenges that arise with ease and perseverance.
  • I learn important lessons from all phases and aspects of my unique life path.
  • By remaining flexible in attitude, I peacefully and wisely navigate any turbulent waves that head in my direction.

Self Empowerment – Creating the Best You

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A new year, a new moment, brand new energy! What will you manifest in the coming year?

Will you strive to create a more radiant, fulfilled version/vision of yourself — your best and brightest “future self,” as I sometimes refer to it?

With the dawning of each new day we can start anew, shed our past worries and concerns. With the rising of each sun, we can hit the “Reset” or “Reboot” button, to use a modern analogy. With each sunrise, there are new windows to open, and new doors to access…

And if each day is like this, then the beginning of a new YEAR is just overflowing with possibilities — powerful, limitless fields of opportunity. Imagine it as waves of infinite and joyful possibilities flowing out right before you… right at your fingertips… an uplifting expansiveness of potential!

So how does one seize the moment and welcome in new opportunities? What steps can one take to move ahead on the path?

Here are some suggestions:

  1.  Look ahead not back — what is done is done and cannot be changed. You can only focus on the NOW, so breathe in the beauty of the present moment. But of course, set goals and dreams for the future as well…
  2. Know that you have the freedom of choice — that glorious ability called free will.
  3. Understand that you are powerful and can CREATE most of your life experience.
  4. Be in the habit of clearly visualizing images and scenarios of what you wish to bring in to your reality.
  5. Believe in your heart of hearts that you CAN do it. And take inspired actions, one step at a time. Each successful journey begins with just one little baby step along the road.
  6. Look toward role models, inspired teachers, anyone who makes your spirit dance and feel joyful.
  7. Tap in to your powerful inner guidance. Really pay attention to your “gut feelings.” In your heart you know what feels right for you, so listen to that inner voice…
  8. Seek out those in your immediate environment who are supportive — and release the “naysayers” who are resistant, difficult, oppositional.
  9. Take responsibility for your actions. Let go of any remnants of a “victim” mentality. We all have things happening to us and around us. Don’t let these things define you. Eliminate the vocabulary of statements such as “He makes me furious, she makes me angry, etc.”
  10. Be flexible when challenges arise. Bend like the ancient, strong tree that endures and survives the storm. Emotionally stand tall, shine your brilliant inner light and know you will endure, persevere and come out with greater illumination, understanding and wisdom.
  11. Let your life resonate with the LOVE — let your reality be bathed in the brilliant glow of love, for this is the emotion that gives meaning to our lives, and helps us align with our true soul path. Love is the gift we share with family, friends and even those creatures who cross out paths and become our companions.
  12. Be of service to others. What we give out in terms of assistance and compassion is mirrored back to us. Find your altruistic heart and give of yourself!


  • I welcome all new opportunities for personal growth and expansion!
  • I take responsibility for my actions — and reactions.
  • My inner guidance is always available to assist me in my unique journey, so I tune in to the voice of my heart.
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Self-Empowerment – Rediscover Your Inner Light

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What is all this talk about transformation? (Does this almost sound like a Seinfeld question!) That is the hottest topic among the modern day spiritual seekers. Everyone wants to be awakened, aware, alert to what exactly? We are tuning in, tapping in — and just plain “tapping” — to perhaps find out who we really are?

We are seeking conscious awareness of ourselves, how we connect to the complex cosmic tapestry of the multidimensional universal web of oneness (and I am not referring to the internet!)

We are looking to discover — or rediscover — ourselves… who we are as our soul in its purist, highest and most radiant expression.

I wholeheartedly believe each of us is born with a beautiful, brilliant inner spark of Divinity. So at your core essence, you are fundamentally the human illumination and personification of your soul. You are born perfect and ready to shine your own unique light of individuality here on planet Earth.

Of course, the influence of our human surroundings — parents, extended family, friends, school, religious affiliations, the internet, media in general plus many other factors — all affect us immensely. Some of it is positive and some is negative, but all that we are exposed to is what shapes us.

So we are looking to shift, change, become? Sometimes the looking to become takes on a life of its own and can actually stress us out. That is why it is so key to first come to an understanding of yourself, come to a little agreement with yourself that wow, yes, (gulp) you are okay as you are. Really!!

You are a unique physical representation of your soul-self. You are worthy of love, deserving of joy. Yes, you are.

Embrace the knowing of that. Does that mean you can go out and do whatever you please — yes, and no. Free will is one of the amazing abilities that we have here. As an expression of your soul-self, you have to remember to stay aligned with a sense of compassion, for that is one essential aspect of expressing your Divinity. You can do what you please perhaps, as long as you do not hurt yourself or others.

You have a spectacular inner light. When it shines brightly, it illuminates every facet of YOU and shines as a glorious beacon for others as well.

So if I am okay as I am, why are all these external forces suggesting that I change?

Well, when we speak about shift, let us approach it as a radiant, coming from the heart, yes I would like to be more peaceful, maybe more aligned with my real journey kind of mindset. For how far have you personally “strayed” from your soul path? The answer to that is only something you can figure out. You have the potential to be amazing. You have the powerful ability to create a magnificent adventure here in the physical plane…

So after these thoughts, what do I suggest?

Accept who you are.

Love who you are.

Nurture who you are.

Yet embrace adaptability.

Seek positive change that resonates with you.

Welcome shift that feels right to you, and step into the next grandest version of who you are… in your heart of hearts, your authentic self.

Are you good enough — absolutely yes! Should you fulfill the highest vision you have for yourself — a vehement and resounding “yes” to that too!


  • I love who I am and where I am headed along my unique life path.
  • I treat myself with care and kindness — being nurtured is so fulfilling.
  • My inner light shines brilliantly and I am a compassionate beacon to others!
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Okay, maybe you will never forget. And maybe you can’t imagine ever forgiving. But what about the possibility of simply “releasing?” Which is another variation on the theme of letting go of anger and negative feelings, an in-between point that may be far easier to embrace.

When you remain stuck in place of feeling and believing that someone has so wronged you (we are talking super, mega-wrong) you cannot find peace in the now moment, much less be able to move ahead in a joyful way. You are simply existing in a place of complete rage or outrage, only seeing yourself as a victim.

Being consumed by anger for someone else is self-destructive. I think it was Guy Finley who said that being overwhelmed by anger, resentment and hatred is like drinking poison and thinking the other person will die. You are only “killing” yourself emotionally.

I am not saying that it is easy to move away from this negative place, but it CAN be done.

But you must be ready to truly release and let go — to do the inner work of letting go of those feelings of fury, wrath and all those simmering negative sensations that accompany them. And you can set your intention to release the happening and the accompanying feelings into the past.

Ask yourself: If something positive at all is coming out of this situation and this challenge, what would that be? Did I learn a life lesson? Did I grow stronger because of this? There is always something helpful that arises out of these scenarios, but you may have to call upon your inner guidance to help understand it.

I heave heard both friends and clients make severe statements such as “he ruined my life” or “she destroyed my chances of…” When one succumbs to believing those things, you are giving your power away — meaning giving said wrongdoer an unbelievable amount of perceived power over you.  Yes, someone difficult may have cast challenges and obstacles along your path — and of course you need to deal with them. However, how reactive you become in response to these challenges determines the way you cope with them and how you feel about them. It is essential to stop making those kind of statements, because they are extreme “negative affirmations.”

Everyone has heard that old saying, “Forget and forgive… In some of these cases it is extremely difficult to even contemplate that compassionate action of forgiveness. Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning what anyone has done. And no one need verbally forgive an “oppressor.” Forgiveness in this context implies emotional forgiveness directed toward the person from your heart of hearts.  In reality, it has only to do with you and what you are feeling.

And some think “Forget about forgetting. I will never forget what happened. I will never forget his/her actions.”

Embracing the act of releasing can be very healing. You will feel an amazing freedom when you consciously decide to emotionally let go of the event, the surrounding feelings, to let them become part of the flow of the past, and not something that will continue to negatively impact the present. Choose to be in the joyful vibration of the now moment and reclaim your personal power!

If you can do the inner work (and if you need some professional therapy, then get it) effectively, you will be able to move ahead with greater joy and confidence. And we are all worthy of having a joyful uplifting road in life. Releasing those overwhelming wrathful feelings is like emerging from the dark turbulence of a storm to be bathed in beautiful, warming rays of sunlight… Make the decision to embrace those rays of sunlight.


  • I make a conscious choice to let go of angry, wrathful emotions and nurture myself with kindness.
  • I release all difficult feelings that no longer serve me — and strive to focus on the joy and blessings of the present moment.
  • Overcoming challenges and obstacles in my life journey influence me to be a stronger, more confident individual.